Biff Price serves up a political thriller set against the backdrop of today's headlines. In the explosive sequel to The Revolutionists, Michael Stonebreaker and The Movement are back to battle a deranged cartel drug lord and solve the crisis on the border between the United States and Mexico once and for all. Price delivers a kitchen-table solution to the problems plaguing the nation in the wake of draining the political swamp.
Book two of The Stonebreaker Trilogy
Michael Stonebreaker comes from good American stock. He loves his country, his family, and the diversity of friends and freedoms living in the United States affords. His father and grandfather before him fought to safeguard the principles he believes have led his country to unparalleled greatness. Now, the stalemate between the dark undercurrent of US politics and futile public discontent has reached the breaking point. An ingenious plot to save the nation will shatter his ideals of loyalty and patriotism, and rock the United States to its Constitutional core.
Book one of The Stonebreaker Trilogy
Read Short Stories from Biff Price!
The stuff of nightmares for a wealthy aristocrat has him contemplating the meaning of life, and finding it in the sum of two words.
A magical journey from birth through death and back again takes two unlikely friends on a sweet ride through life's deepest sorrow to its highest joy.
An unlikely player bets it all in a high stakes game with supernatural consequences!
The stuff of nightmares for a wealthy aristocrat has him contemplating the meaning of life, and finding it in the sum of two words.