Virtual Author Visit
Meeting the author of a favorite book in-person can be thrilling for both readers and aspiring writers! Even if your budget doesn't allow for the expense of honorariums, speaking fees, and travel expenses your organization or group can still be inspired by a favorite author in a video web conference via Skype or iChat!
​A carefully planned Virtual Author Visit can provide that personal connection with the author and give your group the opportunity to hear him share his story live, conduct workshops, and host Q&A for a fraction of the cost of a conventional visit.
What equipment is needed for a Virtual Visit?
Skype software installed on your computer, or iChat if you're using a Mac (Download free Skype software here.)
Internet connection (high-speed preferred)
Webcam and mic (can be built-in or external)
​If possible, project your computer's display using a data projector to allow presentation to be viewed comfortably in large or small groups.
You will not need to use a phone line to conduct a Virtual Visit videoconference via the Web.
Skype Set Up
Skype is free, downloadable software that allows videoconferencing via the internet. To set up for a Virtual Author Visit:
Visit to download Skype for your PC or Mac operating system
Follow the instructions for installing the software and setting up your account
Look for PREFERENCES under the Skype pull-down menu, and choose the correct settings for your video and audio output. (If you are using an external webcam through a USB port, select, "Unknown USB Audio Device" for audio input, and "USB Video Device" for your camera.
Remember to include your Skype Name on the Author Visit Form
A test transmission will be scheduled for the day before the visit to ensure the connection is working properly.
Should the connection fail or be unavailable during the scheduled Virtual Visit, the visit will be rescheduled as conveniently as possible.
How do I schedule a Virtual Author Visit?
Simply visit the Contact page and fill out the Author Visit Request Form. Be sure to check the box for a Virtual Author Visit.
Please see the Honorarium page for current speaking fees.
Ordering Books
If you will be coordinating book sales for your Virtual Author Visit, choose one person to handle book orders for your event. Book orders should be placed at least 6 weeks in advance in order to have books available for the event.
Books are available to order online or from local retailers. Please check and follow your organization's policy for ordering books.
Author bears no responsibility if books are not obtained in time to have on hand for the event.
Personally autographed stickers are included for placement in your books when you schedule a Virtual Author Visit. Just indicate how many stickers you will need when you fill out the Author Visit Form.
Email SevenHorns Publishing using the Contact Form. If you include your telephone number along with a day and time, we would be happy to answer your questions by phone.
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